WOODS HOLE, MA – NOAA Corps LTJG Douglas Pawlishen, the officer-in-charge of the 72’ fisheries research stern trawler Gloria Michelle, says he had no problem finding help renovating this venerable mainstay of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s fleet. “It was a real team effort,” said Pawlishen, who took command in December 2014. “I did get …
Category: Research
Real people who help shape the process: fisheries liaison Meghan Lapp – a new voice
NARRAGANSETT, RI – When Meghan Lapp was a teenager, she wanted to own her own boat. The opportunity didn’t arise, although she lived on Long Island for part of her childhood and on the Gulf of Mexico for the second half, following her naval architect father around as he designed propellers for commercial fishing boats, …
$8.8 million in S-K grants awarded to projects throughout the region
WASHINGTON, DC – On Sept. 30, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) finalized $8.8 million in Saltonstall-Kennedy (S-K) grants to fund 33 research projects in the Greater Atlantic Region Fisheries Office (GARFO) as part of $25.1 million in grants approved nationwide. The 1954 Saltonstall-Kennedy Act was authored by US Senators Leverett Saltsonstall and John …
Reflections from the other side of a cod crisis on “The Rock”
A few weeks ago, I traveled with a film crew from New Hampshire Public Television (NHPTV) to Newfoundland. While there, we visited with scientists and fishermen to see what we could learn about their experiences since the 1992 Cod Moratorium. The trip was for a new NHPTV documentary being produced in partnership with NH Sea Grant/UNH …
US/Canada TRAC finds Georges Bank cod and yellowtail stocks stagnant, haddock best ever
ST. ANDREWS, NB – US and Canadian research teams on the Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee (TRAC) met here to discuss eastern Georges Bank cod, haddock, and Georges Bank yellowtail flounder stock status at a July 7-9 meeting. While surveys in both countries show good recruitment in haddock, cod, and yellowtail flounder, stocks still are not …
Mixed messages in “2014 Update to American Lobster Settlement Index”
The following is this year’s “Update 2014 to the American Lobster Settlement Index,” prepared and presented here by Rick Wahle and his colleagues at the University of Maine’s Darling Center. Our thanks to Dr. Wahle and his team for sharing this important information once again this year with our readers. —Editor WALPOLE, ME …
Maine-New Hampshire Inshore Trawl results: Collaborative research and a good 15-year baseline
ALEXANDRIA, VA – During an update on the 2014 Maine-New Hampshire (MENH) inshore trawl survey to the Northeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (NEAMAP) board at the recent Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) winter meeting here, members considered running a comparison of boats, nets, and captains in the overlapping areas between it and the …
Raised footropes cut sturgeon bycatch, retain stripers in VA’s gillnet fishery
POQUOSON, VA – Waterman George Trice has spent a good number of fishing days over the last 10 years involved with Atlantic sturgeon – first trying to catch them and now showing how not to catch them. Working alongside university and agency researchers in a cooperative research program of the Marine Advisory Service (MAS) at …
Landmark Lutcavage-led study shows western Atlantic bluefin mature earlier than assumed
GLOUCESTER, MA – Years of work by Molly Lutcavage, director of the Large Pelagics Research Center (LPRC) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Gloucester Marine Research Station, on western Atlantic bluefin spawning age – a key factor in determining stock status – has finally come to fruition. With her former doctorial student Gilad Heinisch of …
Raised gillnets could help fishermen avoid cod
The details were news, but the impact had been expected for months now. On Nov. 10, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Regional Administrator John Bullard announced in-season actions to reduce fishing pressure on Gulf of Maine cod that include time and area closures and trip limits that will be effective from now until at least …