While we like to think every issue of Commercial Fisheries News is chock full of news and information that our readers want and need to read, every now and then it seems to makes sense to point out a couple of “don’t miss” pieces. In this issue, we call your attention to Fish Safe, starting …
Category: February ’16
FISH SAFE: To tow or not to tow, that is the question
This is the time of year, perhaps more than any other, when fishermen get into distressful situations. Throughout our region, the water is cold, the weather is variable, the air temperature freezes spray onto the windows, rails, decks, and superstructures, and the sea turns its grayest faces and fiercest crests toward us. The captain seeks …
New England council sponsoring two-day Feb. 22-23 inshore scallop workshop in RI
GLOUCESTER, MA – Due to concerns raised about the potential impacts of increased effort on the nearshore scallop fishery over the past few years, the New England Fishery Management Council has set up a two-day inshore scallop workshop to be held Feb. 22-23 in Warwick, RI. The fishery is comprised of two fleets: • About …
NEFSC’s Gloria Michelle undergoes a major overhaul
WOODS HOLE, MA – NOAA Corps LTJG Douglas Pawlishen, the officer-in-charge of the 72’ fisheries research stern trawler Gloria Michelle, says he had no problem finding help renovating this venerable mainstay of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s fleet. “It was a real team effort,” said Pawlishen, who took command in December 2014. “I did get …