FISH SAFE, July '23

Fish Safe - Incident reporting: what to do

We talk a lot in this column about preventing fatal and non-fatal injuries in the fishing industry.  Some years we have fewer injuries than others: from January 1 to June 2, 2023, there were 10 death, medico, medevac, or man overboard incid...

FISH SAFE, January '24

Fish Safe - Safety around wind farms: the USCG’s role (Part II)

This is the second installment of two (the first can be found in the November CFN Fish Safe) focused on the USCG Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular No. 01-19 (NVIC 01-19), which can be found at <

FISH SAFE, November '23

Fish Safe - Safety around wind farms: the USCG’s role (Part 1)

Wind farms are on the horizon – literally.  Although there are pauses in their planning and development, it is expected that the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) – the designated lead agency for Offshore Renewable Energy Install...

FISH SAFE, May '23, Safety

Fish Safe - May 2023

Electromagnetic waves: the good and the bad As a fisherman, it’s common for you to think and talk about waves – the kind you encounter when working on the ocean. But what about electromagnetic waves?  The radio waves powering your VHF...

FISH SAFE, March '23, Safety

Fish Safe - March 2023

What has rope got to do with health? At this writing, we are three months into winter.  New England lobstermen may have spent a good deal of that time indoors working on gear.  Sanding and painting buoys (painting outside, and with low VOC pain...

FISH SAFE, January '23, Safety

Fish Safe - Jan 2023

Fish spine punctures and zoonotic infections are serious This installment of Fish Safe addresses issues important to aquaculturists, commercial and recreational fishermen, fish processors, and even fish hobbyists (those who maintain fish in tanks...

FISH SAFE, November '22, Safety

Fish Safe - Nov 2022

Winter, life rafts, batteries, and such Now that we in New England will soon be back on Eastern Standard time and are noticing the chill in the air, we should also notice things that need our attention on the boat. The big thing is the life ra...

FISH SAFE, May '22, Safety

FISH SAFE - May '22

What’s a health screening for, anyway? This past March marked the second year in a row the Maine Fishermen’s Forum (MFF) in Rockport, ME was postponed due to COVID concerns. A much-anticipated annual event since the mid-1970s, the forum has t...



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