Jan. 27, it will be eight years since the 76' trawler Lady of Grace sank off Nantucket with her crew of four. It is a tragedy that is still easily recalled and deeply felt by those in the port of New Bedford.
Following a yearlong investigation, ...
In 2011, when the LPRC moved into its home at the Marine Research Station in Gloucester, Director Molly Lutcavage said of the facility’s huge walk-in freezer, “Guts and gonads. Stomac...
As the year draws to a close, it seems natural to take time to consider what we’ve accomplished, the challenges on the horizon, and the people who have helped us rise above life’s difficulties to become the best we can be.
And that’s what we...
NEWPORT, RI – New and very severe measures to protect Gulf of Maine cod under Framework Adjustment 53 to the groundfish plan will not apply to lobstermen, who may continue to set and haul traps in groundfish closed areas.
However, the issue of c...
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NEWPORT, RI – It’s far from a done deal, but if the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) approves the New England Fishery Management Council’s newly developed set of “Gulf of Maine Cod Protection Closures” as part ...
NEWPORT, RI – On Nov. 18, the New England Fishery Management Council approved a 386-metric-ton (mt) acceptable biological catch (ABC) for Gulf of Maine cod for 2015 – a figure so low that many fear it may irreversibly cripple at least part of the...
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HALLOWELL, ME – Col. Joe Fessenden, chief of the Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR) Bureau of Marine Patrol, will be stepping down from his top-command post on Jan. 9, making way for Maj. Jon Cornish, the bureau’s ...
The December lobster market was all about finding the odd relatively calm day when boats could get out to haul. When they did, most did well, whether in Canada or New England.
But with the year-end holidays fast approaching, and, with them, cons...
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