The January, post-holiday lobster market was about weather, a whale-protection closure, and Canadian lobster. The US lobster market, all but stopped after the holidays, was in its usual January doldrums. Bitterly cold weather and wind kept Maine and Massachusetts fishermen from being able to fish much from Dec. 27 through Jan. 14, when calls for …
Category: 2015
Richard Stanley’s dream: wooden hulls, ‘glass tops
BASS HARBOR, ME – Cold – oh, wasn’t it cold. Whatever the thermometer said was one thing; the wind screeching out of the northwest added its own twist. You almost had to lean into it to make headway from the car to the door of Richard Stanley’s boat shop on the nubble of Little Island …
Maine Line – Mattie Lynn II: she’s a big girl
New 42 gets the XXL beam treatment Sometimes 15’3″ just isn’t wide enough. Take Matt Huntley’s new 42 Osmond Mattie Lynn II, for instance. H&H Marine of Steuben, ME offers the Osmond Beal-designed model with a standard beam of a little over 15 feet – but Bucks Harbor lobsterman Matt Huntley wanted all the optional …
Raised footropes cut sturgeon bycatch, retain stripers in VA’s gillnet fishery
POQUOSON, VA – Waterman George Trice has spent a good number of fishing days over the last 10 years involved with Atlantic sturgeon – first trying to catch them and now showing how not to catch them. Working alongside university and agency researchers in a cooperative research program of the Marine Advisory Service (MAS) at …
Assessing forage fish part of Mid-Atlantic’s move toward ecosystem management
PHILADELPHIA, PA – The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council recently tackled the first of five policy documents that ultimately will be used to develop a guidance document for moving forward with an “ecosystem approach to fisheries management ” (EAFM). Due out later this year, the EAFM guidance document will be a synthesis of position papers on …
EDITORIAL – Boats, news, and more boats in this issue of CFN
Christmas may have come and gone, but that’s not stopping us from giving readers a little something extra in this issue. As the cover “teaser” promises, this issue marks the return of our popular Year of New Boats review. This special 12-page supplement recaps 2014 new boat launches from the pages of Commercial Fisheries News. …
FISH SAFE: Reducing risk – Icing by the numbers
Jan. 27, it will be eight years since the 76′ trawler Lady of Grace sank off Nantucket with her crew of four. It is a tragedy that is still easily recalled and deeply felt by those in the port of New Bedford. Following a yearlong investigation, the Coast Guard concluded that the primary cause of …
Landmark Lutcavage-led study shows western Atlantic bluefin mature earlier than assumed
GLOUCESTER, MA – Years of work by Molly Lutcavage, director of the Large Pelagics Research Center (LPRC) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Gloucester Marine Research Station, on western Atlantic bluefin spawning age – a key factor in determining stock status – has finally come to fruition. With her former doctorial student Gilad Heinisch of …
EDITORIAL – A heartfelt thank you for your support of CFN
As the year draws to a close, it seems natural to take time to consider what we’ve accomplished, the challenges on the horizon, and the people who have helped us rise above life’s difficulties to become the best we can be. And that’s what we here at CFN want to do now: reflect, assess, and …
Lobstermen still able to fish traps in groundfish closed areas
NEWPORT, RI – New and very severe measures to protect Gulf of Maine cod under Framework Adjustment 53 to the groundfish plan will not apply to lobstermen, who may continue to set and haul traps in groundfish closed areas. However, the issue of cod bycatch in lobster gear and the question of whether or not …