As we all know, New England’s commercial fishing community is made up not only of hard workers, but a surprising number of artists, as well.
Be it music, poetry, painting, photography, storytelling – or baking a perfect batch of biscuits in a wildly-pitching fo’c’sle – we know there are a lot of talented folks among our readers.
CFN’s Open Mic is a space for you to share what you love to do (when you’re not fishing) with the rest of us: a short story; a poem; maybe lyrics to a song or a photo or two, or a photo of a painting or sculpture you’ve created.
And don’t forget those biscuits: we’d love a good recipe.
Send your contributions electronically or via good old smail mail to the following: e-mail, with the header “Open Mic,” or send to CFN Open Mic, PO Box 551, Damariscotta, ME 04543.
Art takes various forms – to some, a perfectly-crafted cusk chowder is as beautiful as a well-worded sonnet.
Or consider the art of the adult beverage, be it a just-right touch of Jameson’s in a cup of coffee or a far more complicated mix of liquids and garnishes.
Anyone who crosses paths with Boothbay, ME lobsterman Clive Farrin will eventually cross paths with Clive’s famous (infamous) (notorious) (choose your adjective) Fish House Punch.
After “lots of experimentation,” Clive settled on his award-winning formula years ago…
Get this full story and read the rest of the July issue of Commercial Fisheries News.
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