off course – The vindication of the Wild, Wild West


First comes the smoke; then comes the speed. (Brian Robbins photo)

First comes the smoke; then comes the speed. (Brian Robbins photo)

LAMOINE, ME – Violence is not the answer.

But there really isn’t a better word to describe what happens when the twin turbos on the massive 12-cylinder Isotta Fraschini diesel tucked into the 28’ Wild, Wild West spool up and all hell breaks loose: it’s controlled violence, but violence nonetheless.

But even while the V12 Isotta is trying to rip the hull apart, it’s obvious that 22-year-old Cameron Crawford is having no problem handling the 28-footer at 60 mph.

She’s sailing like a champ.

Unfortunately, up until recently, if you mentioned the Wild, Wild West to anyone who’s familiar with Maine lobster boat racing history, their response probably would’ve been, “You mean the boat that flipped over at Searsport years ago?”

And, yeah – they’d be right.

But even Joe Sargent, who finished the…

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