Fishing industry rallies to demand aid, MSA flexibility
BOSTON, MA – About 300 people, including fishermen and their families from around New England, fish buyers, boat owners, and concerned citizens, attended the Groundfish Industry Rally held at the Boston Fish Pier on April 29.Organized by the Northeast Seafood Coalition (NSC), more than a dozen speakers urged Congress, consumers, and the National Marine Fisheries Service to support a new interim groundfish plan that would involve cuts to key species, but not as severe as those implemented just two days later on the May 1 start of the 2013 fishing year (see related story page 10).
Susan Pollack photo © Commercial Fisheries News 2013
Above, Sue Sanfilippo and daughters Leah and Nina showed their colors during the rally by wearing “Fishermen’s Pride” t-shirts made up two years ago when husband and father Gus Sanfilippo, right, was featured on the TV show “Expedition Impossible.” Sanfilippo is the owner-operator of the Gloucester-based Captain Dominic.
Read the rest and much, much more in the June issue of Commercial Fisheries News. Read online immediately and download for future reference.
Commercial Fisheries News is the Northeast’s commercial fishing industry newspaper. Published monthly, CFN provides the latest waterfront news along with coverage of the state and federal rules and regulations affecting the harvest of all the region’s major species. Regular features include lobster and fish market reports, a safety column, new boats, the enforcement report, and the popular and effective Classifieds.