by Brian Robbins
Welcome to another CFN Shakedown Cruise.
Periodically, we will focus on a new launch and dig a little deeper into what went into the project – whether it be a new model or a hull well known to the New England commercial market. What we hope to do is provide insight and information our readers can apply to their own setups … and, as always, offer up a little entertainment along the way.
— Editor
VINALHAVEN, ME – During the time I spent aboard Justin Osgood’s Katrina Paige, he mentioned the phrase, “This is all new to me” more than once.
His 44.5’ Mussel Ridge (we’ll get to that length in a minute) is new, of course – but Justin was referring to the process of having a new boat built.
He has launched a new boat in the past: it took us a minute to cipher it out, but seeing’s how his daughter Katrina was an infant when his Mitchell Cove 32 (also named for her) hit the water … and Ms. Katrina just turned 18 in January … we’re pretty sure that the last time Justin went through this process was back in 1999.
So, yes: he’s been through this – but it’s been awhile.
Not a 42 … nor a 46
If you check out the list of Mussel Ridge models that Cushing, Maine boat builder Hutchinson Composites offers, you’ll see a 42-footer with a 15’ beam; a 46 with the same width; and a brand-new 48’x17’6” Mussel Ridge.
But you won’t find a listing for a 44.5-footer.
That’s because Justin Osgood has the only one.
The Mussel Ridge 46 is essentially a 42 with 4’ carefully added to the stern (with an eye on the run); when Justin mentioned to builder Albert Hutchinson that he wanted to go…
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