ALEXANDRIA, VA – Lobstermen in Areas 2 and 3 who want to consolidate businesses and reduce the overall number of traps in each area moved one step closer to that goal during an Aug. 7 meeting here of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) American Lobster Management Board. The consolidation program, which hinges on …
Category: Lobster
Lobster landings overwhelm demand; prices tank
The lobster industry was in crisis, as calls were being made July 3-10 for the Lobster Market Report. The crisis resulted from unexpectedly high and earlier than expected catches in Canada and the US, with no comparable surge in demand. Besides more product being on the market than usual, US fishermen were paid prices they …
Sluggish lobster demand; downward price pressure
The June lobster market was a mess. Problem #1 – prices were too high. Problem #2 – too much product was on the market. And problems #1 and #2 were exacerbated by #3 – the extremely early appearance of US shedders. The result: Sluggish movement through the lobster pipeline, and that has consequences affecting all …