GLOUCESTER, MA – The first thing that strikes you when talking to Michael Pentony is the depth of his knowledge of fisheries management – not that it should come as any surprise. As the new regional administrator at NOAA Fisheries Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO) – one of the nation’s five regional fisheries leaders …
Category: Conservation
NAFO offers new opportunities for US fishermen
GLOUCESTER, MA – Fishing in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Regulatory Area is making a slow comeback from the days when US vessels fished the Grand Banks back in the 1960s and 70s. The Dartmouth, Nova Scotia-based NAFO is one of a dozen intergovernmental ocean regulatory organizations established by a convention of sovereign states …
ESA Section 7 consultation re-initiated for right whales; new TRT subgroups formed
As this issue was going to press in mid-January, three environmental groups filed a lawsuit against NOAA Fisheries and the Dept. of Commerce in an effort to force the federal government to provide greater protection for North Atlantic right whales. The Center for Biological Diversity, Defenders of Wildlife, and the Humane Society of the United …
Cornell Cooperative Extension receives funding for continuation of monkfish genetic populations study
ITHACA, NY – Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) has received funding to collect and analyze monkfish samples to build on CCE’s earlier successful RSA-funded genetic study (2012-13) to determine if monkfish constitute a single or multiple stocks over their coastwide distribution from Newfoundland to North Carolina and to determine if migrational mixing exists between management areas. …
Taking a close-up look at the work of CFRF’s research fleets
KINGSTON, RI – Four years ago, the Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation (CFRF) launched its On-Deck Data Pilot Project to collect critically needed biological data – first, on American lobster, and then on the emerging Jonah crab fishery. Between 2013 and 2015, a dozen vessels collected and recorded size, sex, and reproductive structure on lobsters …
Deep-sea corals amendment readied for council;
Workshop participants seek to mitigate impacts to fishing in the areas NEWBURYPORT, MA – At its Apr. 18-20 meeting, the New England Fishery Management Council will select preferred alternatives for the draft Omnibus Deep-Sea Corals Amendment. Initiated in 2010, the amendment seeks to protect various types of deep-sea corals found on the continental slope, 20 canyons …
Goal of Young Fishermen’s Development Program: Recruit more young fishermen to greying industry
WASHINGTON, DC – As a group of small-boat commercial fishing organizations from around the country met and teleconferenced over the past two years, a recurring theme that emerged was the lack of resources available to the next generation of fishermen. Now, that group – the Fishing Communities Coalition (FCC) – is taking steps to make …