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Revisiting a favorite topic: Megatrends, Part Deux


On the heels of the 5th International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture (ICRA) in Roanoke, VA in 2004, FFN published my Systems Engineering column, “Megatrends in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems” (Megatrends, Part Un).

A “megatrend,” as defined by Dan Manternach, senior economist at Doane Agricultural Services, is a trend driven by national policy and/or global macroeconomic forces so entrenched and so pervasive that it will take a long time, and sustained reversal in such policies or forces, to slow, halt, and reverse.


Read the rest and much, much more in Issue 3, 2012 of Fish Farming News.  Download now for immediate access and keep the .pdf for future reference.

Permanent link to this article: http://fish-news.com/ffn/revisiting-a-favorite-topic-megatrends-part-deux/
