[tmb_issueThumbnail_2]Issue 6 2011
The latest news - From all around the industry
WWF’s trout dialogue standards enter final stage WASHINGTON, DC – The Freshwater Trout Aquaculture Dialogue has recently released the final draft of its global standards for certifying farmed trout. These standards will help farmers eliminate or ...
Off-flavor detectives making steady progress
FISH HEALTH NOTES BY ROD GETCHELL ITHACA, NY – I’ve seen a number of scientific articles recently about off-flavor problems in fish. What surprised me most was the location of the authors – Quebec, Israel, and China – and the progress bein...
SPECIAL FOCUS - A collection of the best of Bob Robinson’s From the Field columns
Visiting Iowa’s North Star Fish Hatchery, three generations of pond stocking success From the Field by Bob Robinson MONTOUR, IA – Folks around here like to say Arlo Hinegardner was a little ahead of his time. Back in 1939, as much of the...
Coming events - Lots of shows, conferences, more
COMING EVENTS FROM AROUND THE INDUSTRY 2012 Midcontinent Warm Water Fish Culture Workshop Feb. 6-8. Workshop. Doubletree Hotel, Overland Park, KS. Contact Randy Nelson, (620) 362-4166 or <randy. nelson@ksoutdoors.com>. Maine Aquaculture ...
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