by Rod Getchell
BOZEMAN, MT – One of the most helpful government research programs dealing with the needs of fish farmers is about to take a huge budget cut. The US Fish and Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) Aquatic Animal Drug Approval Partnership (AADAP) program may lose more than half of its funding – and three valuable research positions at its Bozeman facility – in the year ahead.
Under the leadership of Jim Bowker, the AADAP research program has been working successfully with hatcheries and culture facilities around the country since 2003. This unique program is fully dedicated to fish drug approval research and ensuring that critically needed drugs are available to farmers and other fisheries professionals.
Fish drugs include not only highly specialized compounds developed by pharmaceutical companies but also commonplace chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide that are illegal to use unless they have passed the rigorous Food and Drug Administration (FDA) animal drug approval process…
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