I read the recent article in Time magazine (July 18, 2011) by Bryan Walsh about aquaculture and its relationship to human nutrition and wild fish populations.
Aquaculture was, AGAIN, inaccurately painted in an awkward light – as sort of a necessary evil.
The author waxed poetic about people setting out into the wild and braving the elements, and about how fish are the last wild food.
I certainly do not begrudge commercial fishermen their living.
This romantic view of fishing is quaint and appealing. Let’s face it. As people, we have been hunting and gathering for as long as we have been around. In a real sense, it’s part of our DNA. So, I easily understand the sentiment. But now, let’s fast-forward to today, and today’s reality
Read the rest and much, much more in Issue 4, 2011 of Fish Farming News. Download now for immediate access and keep the .pdf for future reference.