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Place a Classified Ad

Fish Farming News

Place your classified ad below or give us a call at 207-403-4014

If you are interested in classified display ads (boxed ads), rates start at $35/inch, email us or call 207-403-4014 and we’ll give you the details.


Category (required)
FishFish Farms for SaleGear & EquipmentServicesWantedOther

If you checked Other above, under what Category would you like your ad to appear, we'll try to accommodate.

Your Classified Ad

Classified Rates:

    1 issue - $20 - 30 words - 50¢ per word over 30 words
    3 issues - $48 - 30 words - 40¢ per word/per issue over 30 words
    6 issues - $90 - 30 words - 35¢ per word/per issue over 30 words
    Until further notice - $16/issue - 30 words - 30¢ per word over 30 words

How long would you like your ad to run:
1 issues3 issues6 issuesUntil further notice

Extras:Photos - $10/issueALL CAPS - ALL BOLD - $10/issue

All Fields Required
Your Name
Email Address
Mailing Address
Credit Card #
Expiration Date
CVV - 3 digit code on the back of the card

If you would like, you may upload a photo for your ad. We do not charge for boat photos, all others are $5/issue:

If you have a problem uploading a photo with this form, simply email to: or send to: CLASSIFIEDS, Fish Farming News, PO Box 600, Deer Isle, ME 04627.
Include your name and phone number with your e-mailed or mailed photos.

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You will receive an email confirmation within a few minutes of when you submit this form.  Once we have a chance to look at your ad, you will receive another from our classified ad department letting you know which issue(s) your ad will appear in and the final cost.  Thank you.

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