Bearin’s The Book
by Brian Robbins
Twenty Years of Bulkhead Wisdom, Quiet Smiles, Belly Laughs, and Good Ol’ Salty Tears
Bearin’s (bâr’ĭns)-When you’re on the water, the act of figuring out where you are and what’s going on is known as “getting your bearings.” The same applies to life itself. In the Northeast, we often don’t fuss around with the letter “g” at the ends of our words. Therefore, Bearin’s – which has been the name of a column in Commercial Fisheries News for over 20 years. This is an author-selected sampling of those columns, the best of his unique blend of humor, wry observations, and personal reflections on life. While originally written for a fishing audience, Brian Robbins’ columns encompass characters, situations, and themes bound to resonate with all readers. He’ll make you laugh, maybe even shed a tear, and definitely leave you wanting more. $17.95 + shipping in print / $8.95 Kindle edition.
You can’t order Bearin’s on this website, but give Brian a nudge over at, and he’ll fix you right up.
If you’d rather read on a kindle, Amazon is the place to find it.
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