ASMFC still at odds over glass eel fishery
ALEXANDRIA, VA – Maine elver fishermen left an Aug. 7 meeting here relieved that the threat of a coastwide fishery closure appeared to be off the table. But it now looks like sharp quota restrictions may be inevitable, and this has many of them worried.
The meeting, held not far from the nation’s Capitol, marked the second time the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) American Eel Management Board failed to reach a resolution over glass eels.
Back in May, the board met to review public comment from a series of springtime hearings for Draft Addendum III to the eel plan.
The addendum was initiated in response to the latest stock assessment, which concluded that eels were “depleted” and mortality needed to be reduced across all life stages – glass, yellow, and silver. The document contained separate management
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