Sinkings, fires, dewatering, collisions, allisions – Coast Guard personnel respond to many different types of emergency calls. As we all know, in addition to these vessel-related calls, the Coast Guard responds to many crew-related calls as well. When a crewmember or captain is injured or not well, a mayday call can result in either a …
Category: Safety
FISH SAFE – Understanding wind chill: Why should we care?
Wind chill is a subjective measure of how cold it feels on the skin of humans and animals. Wind chill is also a measure of the rate of heat loss and, as a result, the temperature we perceive it to be. If you have the <> app on your mobile device or computer, you probably …
SAFE BOAT – SMART BOAT: Abandoning ship Part 4 – Surviving aboard the liferaft
The following is the final installment in our four-part series focused on the decision to abandon ship and then taking the steps necessary to maximize chances for survival and rescue. —Editor Immediately after abandoning ship and gaining the shelter of a liferaft, survivors are likely to be cold, wet, exhausted, and possibly suffering from varying …
FISH-SAFE: Reflections on East Coast fishing fatalities, 2010-2014
For some, the end of the year is a time to remember those we have lost. For others, this is a time to reflect on what the lives of lost family and friends meant to us, and what they contributed to family and community. In this season of short days, many of us will be …
Abandoning ship Part 3: Boarding the liferaft
[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”100%”] Coast Guard seeks applicants for safety advisory committee WASHINGTON, DC – The Coast Guard is currently seeking applications for membership on its Commercial Fishing Safety Advisory Committee. The Committee provides advice and makes recommendations to the Coast Guard and the Dept. of Homeland Security on various matters relating to the safe operation …
FISH-SAFE: Could it be? A possible annual self-certification plan
The changing of the seasons (and the sea) remind us every year of changes we want or need to make in our daily and work lives. Actually our risks change with the seasons. We get out our jackets to resist the cold, sand and salt to keep from slipping on the ice, and thicker gloves …
SAFE-BOAT SMART-BOAT: Abandoning ship Part 2 – Launching the liferaft properly
The following is Part 2 of a multi-part series focused on the decision to abandon ship and then taking the steps necessary to maximize chances for survival and rescue. Watch for additional parts in this series in subsequent issues. —Editor Inevitably when I am doing training, during the donning-the-immersion-suit drill, someone will ask: “What …
FISH SAFE – New: RESCUES manual for Maine and New Hampshire
A previous Fish Safe article in CFN (Mar. 2016) described the then newly released RESCUES manual. The first edition of “Responding to Emergencies at Sea and to Communities under Extreme Stress” was developed with assistance from the members of the coastal communities of Gloucester and New Bedford, MA and Point Judith, RI. The second edition, now …
SAFE-BOAT SMART-BOAT: Abandoning ship…
The decision no fisherman ever wants to make; how to prepare for disaster, survival, and rescue The following is Part 1 of a multi-part series focused on the decision to abandon ship and then taking the steps necessary to maximize chances for survival and rescue. Watch for additional parts in this series in subsequent issues. …
FISH SAFE – Helping Maine’s future fishermen hit the deck running
Maine young people living on the coast – many with parents who are active fishermen – are excited to be out on the water, following in their parent’s footsteps, having their own boats, traps, and income. I talked with a number of them recently at the Maine Fishermen’s Forum in Rockport. As signs of spring …