Category: Government Agencies

New England Council takes on sticky issue of at-sea monitoring costs

MYSTIC, CT – At the end of the New England Fishery Management Council’s (NEFMC) April meeting, the council requested that the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) prepare an estimate of the cost-revenue ratio for at-sea monitoring of Northeast Multispecies sectors that would take into account rapidly declining annual catch limits (ACLs) and coverage methodology. The …

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Col. Joe Fessenden to retire after 40 years with Maine Marine Patrol

[metaslider id=5794] HALLOWELL, ME – Col. Joe Fessenden, chief of the Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR) Bureau of Marine Patrol, will be stepping down from his top-command post on Jan. 9, making way for Maj. Jon Cornish, the bureau’s current deputy chief, to take over in a smooth transition that has been over a …

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Guest Column – Disaster aid distribution raises tough questions

by David Pierce Disaster aid is the talk of the waterfront and within the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF), too.  And why wouldn’t it be?  Many groundfish fishermen have been hit hard by very low groundfish catch limits, individual allocations small enough to fill a teacup, and just a plain lack of fish. Lack …

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Scallopers hold steady on ‘lean’ course for 2014

PORTSMOUTH, NH – Scallopers should be able to land roughly the same amount of product this year as last, but they’ll be harvesting a larger percentage of the catch in open areas rather than access areas. The New England Fishery Management Council agreed to this strategy on Jan. 29 when it finalized Framework Adjustment 25 …

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ASMFC to address Area 1A spawning provisions in herring amendment

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Gulf of Maine herring fishermen who have been frustrated in recent years by problematic spawning closures in Area 1A soon will have a chance to discuss how those closures could be improved to better protect ripe and running fish. During its Feb. 4 meeting here, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) …

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Monkfish FW 8 to boost DAS, modify northern incidental limits

PORTSMOUTH, NH – In a move intended to help monkfish fishermen get closer to harvesting their catch limits, the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils, which have joint jurisdiction over monkfish, have adopted 2014-2016 fishing year specifications that increase the number of allocated days-at-sea in both the northern and southern monkfish management areas. Furthermore, …

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Connecticut pesticide ban a victory for Long Island Sound lobstermen

DARIEN, CT – Late in June, 14 years after a major lobster die-off in Long Island Sound, Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy signed into law a bill banning the use of the pesticides methoprene and resmethrin in coastal areas due to their toxicity to fish, lobsters, and other aquatic invertebrates.  The ban went into effect on …

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Guest Column – Health Insurance

Health insurance for all:  A new era begins The Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly known as ObamaCare, requires most Americans to obtain health insurance by Jan. 1 or pay a tax penalty.  It’s set to go online on Oct 1.  Most people, especially the many fishermen and their families who don’t already have health insurance, …

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First-ever offshore wind energy lease sale scheduled for July 31

WASHINGTON, DC – The federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) will conduct the first-ever Outer Continental Shelf competitive lease sale for renewable energy developers on July 31. The agency will offer to the highest bidders a total of 164,750 acres of ocean bottom within the Rhode Island/Massachusetts wind energy area (WEA) located 9.2 nautical …

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NOAA Fisheries Navigator July 2013

Insert to the July 2013 Commercial Fisheries News Click here to download and read the NOAA Fisheries Navigator (520K .pdf)

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