WASHINGTON, DC – The federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) will conduct the first-ever Outer Continental Shelf competitive lease sale for renewable energy developers on July 31.
The agency will offer to the highest bidders a total of 164,750 acres of ocean bottom within the Rhode Island/Massachusetts wind energy area (WEA) located 9.2 nautical miles south of Rhode Island.
Nine energy companies have expressed an interest in participating in the sale: Deepwater Wind New England LLC, EDF Renewable Energy Development Inc., Energy Management Inc., Fishermen’s Energy LLC, Iberdrola Renewables Inc., Neptune Wind LLC, Sea Breeze Energy LLC, US Mainstream Renewable Power (Offshore) Inc., and US Wind Inc.
“After careful review, BOEM has determined that these companies are legally, technically, and financially qualified to participate in the upcoming lease sale,” said BOEM Director Tommy Beaudreau. “They represent pioneers in a new energy frontier as participants in America’s first offshore wind energy auction this July.”
Read the rest and much, much more in the July issue of Commercial Fisheries News. Read online immediately and download for future reference.