NEW BEDFORD, MA – With show time rapidly approaching for this year’s upcoming Commercial Marine Expo (CME), event organizers have announced additional details of interest to attendees. The CME, set for Apr. 27-28 on the State Pier in the heart of New Bedford’s revitalized working waterfront, is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the show’s …
Category: April ’16
EDITORIAL: A cause for celebration amid causes for concern
Far be it from us to find the dark cloud in an otherwise silver lining … … But, as word spread around the recent Maine Fishermen’s Forum of record-breaking landings in the state again last year, the excitement was somewhat tempered. The news was good, for sure, particularly for the booming lobster fishery. Huge landings …
CFN Shakedown Cruise: Calvin Beal 44
By Brian Robbins Welcome to another CFN Shakedown Cruise. Periodically, we will focus on a new launch and dig a little deeper into what went into the project – whether it be a new model or a hull well known to the New England commercial market. What we hope to do is provide insight and …
Gloucester launches “branded” fresh seafood campaign
GLOUCESTER, MA – America’s oldest fishing port recently launched Gloucesterfresh, a multi-pronged campaign to promote Gloucester seafood and the city’s renowned seafood industry. The city celebrated this new “ocean to table” initiative at Seafood Expo North America (the former International Boston Seafood Show) in early March. Gloucester Mayor Sefatia Romeo Theken and her team, including …
Councils to select prelimary preferred options for monitoring of mackerel, herring fisheries
MONTAUK, NY – At its Apr 12-15 meeting here, the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council will review new cost analyses for monitoring landings and discards in the Atlantic mackerel fishery under the pending Industry-Funded Monitoring (IFM) Omnibus Amendment, a joint council initative in which NOAA Fisheries (NMFS) has lead development responsibilities. The Mid-Atlantic council is likely …
NMFS rolls out new National Bycatch Reduction Strategy; Proposed rule sets SBRM requirement
SILVER SPRING, MD – NOAA Fisheries (NMFS) has rolled out a new National Bycatch Reduction Strategy that it says will help move forward in its mission to promote productive and sustainable fisheries. The strategy calls for monitoring and estimating bycatch, researching new ways to reduce it through bycatch reduction engineering, enforcement of bycatch laws and …
SAFE BOAT SMART BOAT: Employing good basic seamanship skills for collision avoidance
One aspect of the drills I often conduct on fishing vessels, has led me to use a DVD developed by the Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention, and Education titled “Communication, Navigation, and Mayday.” This really is an awesome tool – showing animated vessels performing and describing the rules of the road. It …