In this issue:
- NEWS - From Around the Industry
- Fish Health Notes: Why INADs are a fish farmer’s best friend - by Rod Getchell
- Faces of Aquaculture: Meet Dana Morse of Maine Sea Grant - by Amy Riedel-Stone
- Systems Engineering: A visit to the impressive new Michael C. Voisin Oyster Hatchery on Grand Isle, LA - by Paul Hundley
- From the Field: An excellent USTFA annual meeting in WI, including fun field day on a local fish farm - by Bob Robinson
- Coming Events: Shows, conferences, and more
- Aquaculture Perspectives: For aquaculture, momentum is a beautiful thing - by Bill Manci
On the Cover - An advanced continuous algae production system at the new Michael C. Voisin Oyster Hatchery in Louisiana uses hanging poly bags instead of tanks or wire frames. (Paul Hundley photo)
... Plus, News, Coming Events - and much much more!
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