BEALS ISLAND, ME – The thing is, Nathan Barrett’s Wayne Beal 46 Catch ‘Em All doesn’t look that big from a distance.
The day we were going to meet up to talk and get some running shots on Moosabec Reach, Nate had brought his new 46 into the landing over in Alleys Bay and was letting his big C18 Cat warm up.

by Brian Robbins
Welcome to another CFN Shakedown Cruise.
Periodically, we will focus on a new launch and dig a little deeper into what went into the project – whether it be a new model or a hull well known to the New England commercial market. What we hope to do is provide insight and information our readers can apply to their own setups … and, as always, offer up a little entertainment along the way. —Editor
I pulled into the parking lot and saw a good-sized lobster boat tied up there, but with the 46’s easy-on-the-eyes sheer line, enough-but-not-overdone flare in her bows, and a wheelhouse that is well-proportioned to the hull, the boat in front of me just didn’t look … well … bulky enough to be 46 feet long.
It wasn’t until I walked down the dock and got up close to her that I took in the platform space (expanded with a 5’ extension off the transom) and the fact that the house was tall enough to easily accommodate my 6’4” height, even on a bad hair day.
The tape measure tells no tales: the biggest of Wayne Beal’s models measures…
Get the full story with full Engine and Boat Specs, Meet the Builders, and read the Finisher’s notes for the Wayne Beal 46 featured in this month’s Shakedown Cruise from the pages of CFN.
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