SOUTH ADDISON, ME – Truth be known, Alex Thompson says he’s been wanting an Osmond 47 from H&H Marine ever since the Steuben, ME boat builders first started producing the 47’4”x19’2” model back in 2007.
But, at the time, Alex elected to go with a smaller boat (although you can’t really refer to an Osmond 42 with a 17’6” beam as a small boat) and work his way up from there.
“I’m glad I did it the way I did,” says the South Addison lobsterman. “By waiting, I had a better idea of how I wanted things and could do it right. Like that old saying, ‘Good things come to those who wait.’”
And according to Alex, his new Osmond 47 Carlee Marie is definitely a good thing. Let’s take a closer look.
The English Taylor
Once H&H Marine had laid up the 47-footer’s solid-fiberglass hull and foam-cored molded top, Alex had it trucked to Peter Taylor’s Taylored Boats in South Addison to be finished.
Taylor, who grew up in Banbury, England, moved his family to the States in 2002 to jump feet-first into Downeast boat building. Tours of duty at RP Boat and H&H Marine provided the quick-learning Taylor with a wide range of skills…
To get the rest of this story and much more – you’ll need the November 2016 issue of Commercial Fisheries News.
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